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Our Thoughts and Prayers Are With The People of Ukraine

Our Thoughts and Prayers Are With The People of Ukraine

One of our key values at VSAM Knowledge Solutions is support of people. Over the last few weeks, we have watched in horror as war has come to Ukraine and threatened the freedom of many people.While we do not do business in Russia or Ukraine, our thoughts and prayers...
FDA’s Shift To Computerized Software Assurance

FDA’s Shift To Computerized Software Assurance

Are you looking for guidance on FDA’s shift to Computerized Software Assurance instead of Computer Software Validation? Here’s an article that provides some insight that VSAM Knowledge Solutions can provide your organization! Follow Me On LinkedIn Read...
Career Agility

Career Agility

Hi OSPE members and P.Engs- Vishal Magoon, PEng, PMP and I (Paul Hill) will be exploring career agility – yes big words, basically alternative paths in engineering and talking about Vishal’s journey as an independent consultant for Ontario Society of...
The best practices for data management and data based processing for emerging biopharma startups

Data Integrity

Interesting article for companies seeking approaches to data integrity “holistically”. Data integrity should be approached through technology, well planned risk-based strategies to cover the gaps and cross-functional collaboration across the organization....