647-393-2230 contact@vsam-ks.com

One of our key values at VSAM Knowledge Solutions is support of people. Over the last few weeks, we have watched in horror as war has come to Ukraine and threatened the freedom of many people.While we do not do business in Russia or Ukraine, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine during this difficult time.Where we have a voice, we believe we should use it. When we can support, we believe we should.Through the Canadian Red Cross we are supporting the Ukrainian people with them again to help bring rescue and first aid; family reunification and mental health support; safe passage for civilians; health equipment; relief items; care for displaced people; humanitarian specialists and protection of civilians in the Ukraine.We stand with the world in hoping for a quick resolution of this conflict.


Vishal Magoon

Owner/Director VSAM Knowledge Solutions Inc.

VSAM Knowledge Solutions thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people and support them during this difficult time.

Canadian Red Cross